Oops...I'm moving overseas

The other day I was just saying that I had plenty of time to get all my affairs in order before I move to London: all my paperwork says that I'll get information in late July about where to go and when to do what. Cut to me getting both my housing move-in information and CAS number (the thing that proves you're actually going to a school) emails on Monday and surprise! They want me to move in August 29th! Ahhh!

What what what?! So soon? I mean, I won't actually show up until about a week after that, but this is really happening. London is saying we're ready we're ready come now, come on! But I haven't even done my two-months-to-go packing experiments!! My loan information hasn't come in so I haven't even applied yet (argh), my visa has to come in before I book a flight (ARGH), and all my clothes are too big since I lost weight. My life is a meeesssssss!

Allllright. This situation calls for a list.

Things Eve Needs to Do to Get Her Butt to London:
  1. New wardrobe. My industry-confounding pear shape aside, all my clothes are too big now. Time for skinny jeans, white tees, and voluminous drape-y sweaters I recently decided I love (cause you can just sweep into rooms and say "why yes HELLOOO everyone" and kind of flap your sweater-wings)
  2. Bag Decisions. I have a really nice luggage set from L.L. Bean but the large suitcase is TOO large. It usually ends up weighing over 50 lbs when half full. But then that was when I took like 20 books with me to Seattle in it. Whoops.
  3. Save a Ton of Crap to Evernote. Because I cannot be trusted with loose documents; I'll leave them at Chipotle or on the hand dryer in the bathroom.
  4. Beat A Link Between Worlds. There is no way I will have time to play my DS once school starts (booooo) so I'd better take care of Hyrule/Lorule Castle before I get handed a reading list that will bury me. 
  5. Finish/Start Americanah. There's race issues and immigration issues and London issues and I'm all over it. Knowing how I am it will probably get thrown frantically in my carry on luggage for the plane ride over. 
  6. Fix my Fox Backpack. There's still a hole in the seam! Dangit.
  7. Quit My Job. Not too difficult since I'm classified as Some Person That Works Whenever, but I'll have to leave a list of how to do everything for the next poor sap.
  8. Hold Makeup Tryouts. Sorry Urban Decay palette, you didn't make the team this year. Nor did you, brush I never use.
  9. Call My One London Friend. And beg for advice on places to go and shop in London. If I can afford to shop. Erp.
  10. Visit Family. Luckily most of them live along I-10 so I can get them all in one swoop.
It's all good though. Soon I shall be gliding through every museum, archive, library, and fancy collection in London and eating all their biscuits. And creeping majorly on the health food store I found in Portobello Road. Some of the prices made me want to cry, but they had everything you could possibly need, perfectly squashed and organized in a tiny little store.

And I will buy it all and put it in jars on my shelves and plot deviously how I might eat it. DEVIOUSLY.

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