London Trip: V&A Fashion Exhibits, English Gardens, and Tapas

London London London London is the greatest city in the world and I am so completely in love with it. I had the most amazing trip: the weather was perfect, everything I ate was incredible, and my Airbnb was swank. My host was awesome; she made me tea, bought me fruit for breakfast, and told me how to get to Selfridges. Unfortunately I didn't take a lot of pictures because I was running all over the place getting lost, but I managed to take a few in between stuffing my face, taking the wrong bus twice, and running up and down Regent Street looking for--wait for it--the perfect bag.

Casa Brindisa anchovies

Casa Brindisa is an amazing tapas restaurant right down the road from the Victoria and Albert Museum. I could quite literally sit in there and eat their anchovies on that soft, thick toast covered in aioli for the rest of my life. After I successfully scarfed down two small baskets of bread (oops) I strolled down to the V&A and saw their two new fashion exhibits: The Glamour of Italian Fashion since 1945 and Wedding Dresses 1775-2014. They were phenomenal, and made me unbearably excited (as if I wasn't already) to study there in September/waltz around like I own the place.

For my birthday I went for a run in Regent's Park and even though the tulips were a little sad and droopy, the flowers there were insane. The English have some kind of deal with the devil to make outrageous gardens and beautiful, sprawling parks. There were lots of ducks and HUGE ENORMOUS GEESE, although not as big as the swans at Hampton Court Palace. Have you ever seen a swan up close? They're TERRIFYING. Luckily I was a safe distance from and and all water fowl this trip.

Regent's Park tulips

Red and White Tulip closeup

How is it that I am moving to this wonderful magical place?! Does it really exist even though I've been there three times? Am I really going to get to poke around in archives and museum collections and go to Europe on school trips?!?!


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